Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm thinking of going negative.

I'm thinking of going negative. Reading all this stuff about McCain's negative advertising, which is now 100% of his advertising, compared to Obama's maybe 35%, I see that the mistake I have made on the BT blogs is to not call attention to the facelifts and weight problems of many of my opponents there. It doesn't matter that I don't really know what they look like. What matters is that I knock them off message.

I heard Gov Sarah Palin, say "It's not negativity. It's truthfulness. And American voters deserve to know." She didn't say what it is that American voters need to know, just kind of left it open to question, planted that seed of doubt so to speak.

However, I'm not concerned with what American voters need to know anyway. I am not involved in a high-stakes political campaign. I live in a "red" state, which will pretty much give its electoral votes to John McCain no matter what I say. What I am concerned about is shaking people up so that they question their own sanity and hate my guts.

I know I swore off blogging at BT, but things change. "Big" people start pickin' on "little" people, and I can't take it. I think I've seen a couple of other sworn-offers there too. If that's the case, and if I offend you with my aggression, well, please understand: It's not negativity. It's truthfulness.


Mad Hatter said...

I've seen you on there, I'm never going to be more that a lurker, but it is a shame that McCain's gone negative, and doesn't want to stick to the issues. Oh well, my 401k continues to shrink. Anyway, I AM glad that you've posted here :o)

WileyCoyote said...

You can lead a horse to water... but you can't tell him to use his brain and to be rational.

Issues? These guys are so far up in the stratsphere of human existence that the issues to them are emotional and political pawns. I won't go to BT or to ANY forum any more that doesn't talk about practical things, like how to raise chickens or food or cattle, how to build things I need, or how to work on things I have.

When you have to choose between two equal evils, you always make the wrong choice. And what's worse is, even when it doesn't matter who's carrying the handbasket, people still want to argue about it instead of discussing how to make changes in their own lives and own futures in preparation for the trip. IMHO. Good luck PB but getting people angry at you won't make them think, won't make them rational, won't make them reasonable. It's way too late for that. It's a total waste of your time. But, hey, we all waste our time in our own way.