Saturday, August 30, 2008


I really have to do something about my hearing. I’ve always thought it was great but lately there have been signs of trouble. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I saw a tv commercial and I could have sworn they said the bagged product was an “incredible nut sack.” I couldn’t believe it. And I shouldn’t have, because shortly thereafter I saw the same product advertised in a magazine and I very clearly read the words “incredible nut snack.” Oops. Thank You Lord for the gift of patience with the world so that I didn’t get too undone with the degradation of society and the media and standards and everything.

And now, I’m innocently listening to NPR, and I hear a caller-in introduced as Anal Stopper. What? Were his parents intentionally abusive? Oops, again. His name is Emil Stopper.

Apparently aging attacks not only one’s physical senses, but it messes with your mind so that you’re hearing things at about 4th grade amusement level. Lettuce, turnip and pea.


WileyCoyote said...

Hey PB! My daughter's 25 and she's been mishearing things like that for years! Nothing wrong with her hearing but something wrong with the interpretation bone... that casts a purient tone on everything she hears. Or maybe we introduced her to Monty Python and Mel Brooks at too young an age...

IMHO, It isn't your hearing, you aren't aging that way - it has just been too long since you turned loose your impish sense of humor!! LOL

"P. B." said...

:>)WC... I hope that humor is the last thing to go.

But it's true that something is messing with my mind because I just heard Anal Stopper AGAIN. Oh wait, it's a re-broadcast. Funny once, funny twice, never ever funny thrice, NPR, budget cuts or not.