Monday, July 7, 2008

I Did It My Way (Sorta)

Yesterday was Sunday and as usual I started the day with "The Racket", which really doesn't take much time unless I get into the Sudoku. The Sunday Sudoku is usually rated "hard" and so it can take a while and a lot of erasing. I did today's in pen. Anyway, yesterday's Island Packet Lowcountry Life section which contains the Sudoku also contains an article about six-word memoirs. A man named Larry Smith has written a book and started a web-site where short and pithy life commentaries are listed. "Not Quite What I Was Planning," an example of a six-word memoir, is the main title of the book.

Naturally I was distracted from any other serious mental exercise while I thought of what I would say with limited space. Here's what I came up with:

If I had only ONE word: Fuhgeddaboudit.
If I had TWO words: Told ya.
If I had THREE words: Gimme a break.
If I had FOUR words: I wasn't even there.
If I had FIVE words: This will end in tears.
And my SIX-word memoir: I did it my way (sorta).

I really wanted to tweak people with "John David Rose Is A God," but chose not to go to the dark side. See, I'm not all bad.

But if I had EIGHT words, I could make my signature statement: "I liked it better the way it was." Oh well. We live, we change, we grow. OMG! That's another six-worder. Stop me somebody.

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